The Benefits And Side Effects Of Delay Creams & Sprays (2025)

The Benefits And Side Effects Of Delay Creams & Sprays (1)

Delay creams and sprays are a temporary solution to premature ejaculation that are easy to use, take action quickly (usually), and can be used discreetly if needed.

They can be especially useful if your problem is caused by physical sensitivity rather than factors like anxiety or a medical condition.

In this article, you’ll find out more about the pros and cons of using a delay cream or spray, which will hopefully help you decide if it’s the right option for you or not.

And if you’ve already decided you want to try one, you might like to see my latest delay spray recommendations.

The benefits

1. An easy option which requires minimal effort

Using a delay spray is one of the quickest and easiest approaches to dealing with premature ejaculation. All you need to do is apply it before you have sex, wait a few minutes before washing it off, andyou’re good to go.

2.Use on demand

A delay spray only needs to be applied each time you have sex. So if you don’t have sex often, you don’t need to worry about continually taking medication just in case. This is in stark contrast to some other treatments such as anti-depressants, which would need to be taken every day.

3. The ingredients are relatively safe if used correctly

The ingredient most often used is lidocaine, and to a lesser extent benzocaine or prilocaine. These are all topical anesthetics that are thought to be safe for most people. Promescent, Fortacin, Super Dragon 6000, Dynamo, Stud 100 and K-Y Duration, for example, all use lidocaine.

Some people may have adverse reactions to a topical anesthetic, but most people tolerate the ingredients well. Having said that, it’s quite common to experience a tingling or hot sensation when you apply it to your penis.

4. Available without a prescription

Most delay sprays and creams can be bought over the counter or ordered online, without the need for a prescription. So if you’re not keen on talking to your doctor about it, this is a discreet self-help option that can avoid any potential embarrassment.

5. The numbing is usually effective

The most important question is of course whether it actually works or not. And in my experience, they usually do the numbing job very effectively.

However, the numbing action is sometimes a little too strong and causes other problems, as you’ll see in the next section.

Possible issues and side effects

1. Loss of erection

One of the common side effects of delay products is too much numbing. If the spray is too strong, or you put too much on, you may end up with reduced sensation.

This can sometimes also result in difficulty getting or maintaining an erection. You then have to wash off what you can, and wait for the anesthetic to wear off before trying again.

This obviously isn’t an ideal situation in the throes of passion!

2. Loss of pleasure

Another common problem with desensitizing is that you effectively have a trade-off. You might last longer during sex, but you might enjoy the sensation less.

It could be argued that you have less pleasure, but have it for longer so it’s a good trade. And you also get pleasure in knowing that you’re satisfying your partner, which is of course veryimportant.

3. Transference to your partner

Any numbing spray has the potential to cause some problemsfor your partner if it transfers to them, either through penetrative sex or oral.

So it’s important to follow the instructions carefully (If you bought one that doesn’t have clear instructions, take a look at my article about using delay sprays).

Transference can still happen in some situations, such as getting the timing wrong or not washing it off properly.

In my experience, the best way to avoid this risk is to apply the spray or cream, wait a minute or two for it to absorb, then have a wash or shower. It might mean you get less numbing if you wash too soon or too much, but I find it works well to do this.

4. Having to apply it before having sex

Depending on your personal situation, the act of applying the spray or cream can be an issue.

If you’re in a relationship, or with an understanding person, it’s probably not so much of an issue – especially if you know exactly when you’re going to have sex.

But if you’re with a new partner, or it’s spontaneous sex, it can be a bit of a passion killer to pop into the bathroom to apply it and then wait to wash it off.

My advice is to just be upfront about it and make the most of that time to focus on giving your partner some amazing foreplay. Hopefully, they’ll be too busy being pleasured to make you feel awkward about the spray.

5. Not a cure

Desensitizing products don’t cure premature ejaculation, so if you choose to use them on an ongoing basis,you’ll have to keep buying them.

You might feel that it’s worth the cost. And even if you don’t have all the money in the world, the chances are you’ll still find enough for the upkeep of your sex life. But at the end of the day, the cost will add up if you have an active life between the sheets.


As you can see, there are good reasons for and against using a desensitizing product. The main positives are thatthey are easy to get,work quickly and you don’t have to put any effort into learning ejaculation control.

The main problems are that it’s not a cure and it can cause a loss of pleasure and erection strength.

My advice is that if you need something to help right now, it’s worth trying one to see if it suits you. Just make sure you follow the instructions carefully and don’t skip the part where you wash it off before sex.

The Benefits And Side Effects Of Delay Creams & Sprays (2025)
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