Table of contents for Issue 630 in Grazia (2024)

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Grazia|Issue 63030 May 2017Hope – as Bryony Gordon writes on page 12 – is what the terrorists tried to take away last week, when an attack on an Ariana Grande concert saw 22 people killed and many more terribly injured. That and innocence – of young children in particular. It was horrifying, heartbreaking and rage-inducing. Families were broken apart, men, women and children left dead, severely injured or deeply traumatised – wounds that may take decades to heal. Yet, we came together. Communities that could have been pitched against each other took to the streets and united, in grief and, yes, in hope.Here at Grazia , as a team we felt we needed to mark this moment – to honour those whose lives have been destroyed and to show Manchester and its inspirational…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630HEARTBREAK – BUT LOVE ENCIRCLES THE CITYALICIA HATTERSLEY’S HANDS won’t stop shaking. It’s as if the vibrations of the suicide bomb that transformed her life – and thousands of others – 18 hours earlier still reverberate through her. She can’t stop thinking about that sound. ‘I thought straight away, “This is a terrorist attack”,’ she tells me, tears permanently lodged in her eyes. ‘I thought, “I’m going to die. There’s going to be someone exploding another bomb next to us and we’re not going to be able to get out,” or “There’s going to be a gunman.”’ Alicia, 21, is one of 21,000 people who danced towards Ariana Grande’s concert at the Manchester Arena last Monday, expecting nothing more than a good time. Instead, when Salman Abedi, 22, walked into the foyer of the venue and…6 min
Grazia|Issue 630HOW DO WE EXPLAIN THIS TO OUR CHILDREN?‘But it’s just the sort of concert we’d have gone to,’ said my 16-year-old daughter, who’d spent the last hour quietly digesting the breaking news from Manchester. At that point, the victims were starting to be identified – a gallery of lost girls. All those cheeky faces grinning in selfies, fizzing with confidence and plans for a grand future. Olivia Campbell, 15, who was well on her way to becoming a professional singer and dancer; Sorrell Leczkowski, 14, who loved life in Year 9; Nell Jones, 14, who excelled in drama and maths and was beside herself with excitement about going to her first gig. That gallery looked more like a school yearbook than a police report.And that’s the thing with this latest terrorist atrocity. All lives are equal, all…3 min
Grazia|Issue 630MANCUNIAN PAUL FLYNN CELEBRATES THE HERITAGE OF HIS HOMETOWNFor reasons entirely unconnected to the bomb, I spent most of last week in Manchester. It’s my home city. I love it. Last week, perhaps more than ever before. It should’ve been cloudy (it always is) but the sun shone bright. It should’ve been gobby, pissed and loud (it always is) but it was quiet, reflective and, for a moment, when an impromptu singalong of Oasis’s Don’t Look Back In Anger broke out beside a carpet of flowers in St Ann’s Square, at its most majestic. Manchester is a city that supports its tough shoulders and quick mind with a tender spine. It is a contrary place: diffident, righteous and warm-hearted, with a deeply connected understanding of the power of sarcasm unrivalled by any other British city (OK, maybe Liverpool).…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630TWITTER IN THE TIME OF TERRORWith families desperately searching for their missing relatives, the hashtag #manchestermissing became an immediate and vital resource for spreading information and reconnecting those separated amid the terrifying events. Later, good-hearted Mancunians used #roomformanchester to offer shelter, transport and food. But as with all good things on the internet, there was a dark side too. Shockingly, accounts began faking missing person appeals, using pictures of people not at the concert for attention, likes and retweets. False information, such as an image of Ariana Grande covered in blood (from her appearance in Scream Queens), was intended to spread panic, while trolls interjected with insidious comments. There’s a wider problem with misinformation too. Experts say that, as well as using social media to recruit followers and seek attention, terrorists rely on the confusion…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630GRAZIA’S CHART OF LUST1. UPCHERWore t his to the Billboard Awards last week and, while ng her award, announced that at 71: ‘I can do a five-minute plank, OK?’ Septuagenarian goals.2. NON-MOVERAZIZ ANSARIA virtually permanent mention herewith, because of Master Of None, which is why we featured him last week, but we don’t even care – that’s how good he is.3. NEW INISABELLE HUPPERT IN CANNESThis, then, is how to wear jeans. And we thought we were quite good at it. Apparently not. Hey ho.4. UPMORRISSEYTook agin’ Judge Judy, renaming her ‘Judge Rudy’, after sitting near her in a restaurant and discovering she didn’t stop talking. ‘I was ready to ram her face into her own spaghetti,’ he said.5. UPSPENCER MATTHEWSFor whom we have no issue declaring our love (mid-sized, he once bought…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630RIRI’S MOVIE MEME COMES TRUE IN CANNESON THE ROCKING YACHTS that line the harbour of Cannes, big-money big-movie deals are made under the intense French sun every May. The champagne flows, top buttons are finally undone and projects that have been years, decades in the wrangling are finally sold and signed. This May at Cannes, however, things went a little differently. This time, the headlines were about a film that had been dreamt up by the public; which had a cast and film-making crew also suggested by the public. In fact, it was an idea that started life as a joke on social media. The headlines: the film in question had been sold to Netflix. And the film? A buddy heist movie starring Oscar-winning actress Lupita Nyong’o and Rihanna. *Record scratch* Yes, Rihanna. This, to many…4 min
Grazia|Issue 6304 How emojis could save your love life! Have you heard the ? Apparently the oft-maligned emoji – now used by 90% of the world’s quick-thumbed internet users – could be more beneficial to our lives than we might previously have .In his new The Emoji Code, world-renowned linguistics expert Professor Vyvyan Evans, that adding emojis to messages is actually a rather way of bridging the so-called communication gap between and .‘Emoji puts the emotion back into textspeak,’ says Evans. ‘It enables us to induce emotional resonance in our addressee by providing powerful visual cues, helping to maintain and enhance understanding, especially in the arena of relationships.’Think about it, there’s a BIG difference between saying you are fine , fine or fine . As Evans argues, men are much more likely to the real intent of a…1 min
Grazia|Issue 6302 JENNIFER ANISTON’S NEIGHBOUR NIGHTMAREPhotos: Rex Features, Splash News JENNIFER ANISTON’S famous role saw her make Friends with fellow residents in a New York apartment block. Sadly, life isn’t imitating art, and the actor has found herself at the centre of a bitter dispute with a neighbour in her Greenwich Village complex. (Also, nobody could drink that much coffee without having a seizure.) The problems started in 2015, when Jennifer and husband Justin Theroux began renovating the apartment he’s lived in since 2001. Their downstairs neighbour, Norman Resnicow, insisted they install $30,000 worth of sound-proofing in the floor. When they didn’t comply, Justin and Jennifer allege he ‘made it his twisted sport to bully and intimidate’ them. They claim he’s threatened to cut the water and electricity to their deck, said he’ll kill Justin’s…2 min
Grazia|Issue 6303 TO HOLD OR NOT TO HOLD?FOR SOMETHING so small, Donald Trump’s left hand gained a lot of column inches during his Middle Eastern visit last week. Specifically because, when he offered it to wife Melania on arrival in Tel Aviv, she dismissed him with a swipe of such unprecedented sass that the footage instantly went viral. Compare this excruciating body language to that of consummate hand-holders, the Obamas. Because that’s what former White House photographer Pete Souza did in response to the Melania swipe, posting on Instagram an old photo of the previous FLOTUS and POTUS, fingers laced together as per. So what does it say about the power dynamics of a relationship if you can’t agree on whether holding hands in public is an appropriate or pleasurable activity? Does it mean you are not…2 min
Grazia|Issue 630BUST UPS AND BOY TROUBLES - it Moss be summerIS IT JUST US, OR IS THERE SOMETHING about early summer that sends Kate Moss into orbit? This time last year, Grazia revealed that she had an altercation with Diana Ross during her first trip to Cannes in 15 years. Almost exactly a year to the day before that, while on an EasyJet flight, she labelled the pilot a ‘basic bitch’ and swigged her own vodka before being led off a plane by police.This year’s offering? A 2am brawl with a fellow guest at Naomi Campbell’s Fashion for Relief gala in Cannes last week. Apparently, Kate, 43, was ‘downing bottles of wine’ at the charity event when another woman ‘squared up to her’. According to sources, Mary J Blige was forced to break the pair up before things ‘got physical’.Behind…2 min
Grazia|Issue 6306 FACTOR 50+ SIZZLES IN CANNESOUR FAVOURITE BRIGHT young things are certainly making fashion waves at Cannes – see Kendall Jenner (overleaf) in an Alexandre Vauthier bustier with a train of epic proportions for proof. But it’s the older generation that has La Croisette really sizzling, as a host of mature actresses are winning on the red carpet, making interesting choices for casual photo calls and generally showing the younger generation just how it’s done. Like Susan Sarandon, whose plunging-cleavage Alberta Ferretti gown and confident swagger had heads turning at the festival’s opening ceremony. While we’ve come to expect a stellar style performance on the red carpet from the likes of Tilda Swinton, Salma Hayek and Isabelle Huppert, considerably rarer are appearances from the likes of Sarandon, Kristin Scott Thomas and Juliette Binoche, who’ve all…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630POLLY VERNONBlame it on Brexit, or Trump, or not knowing how the hell I should vote in the election, on binge-watching the brilliant-yet-harrowing Three Girls at the weekend, or the unimaginable sadness of last week… But I cannot stop obsessing over that waitress who got sacked last week for sleeping with Orlando Bloom. Oh, I needed some light news relief, I needed it bad and, bless her cotton socks/the scarlet lingerie in which she’d previously Instagrammed herself, Viviana Ross provided it! To recap: Ross – a 21-year-old aspiring actress – met Bloom – Lord Of The Rings, Pirates Of The Caribbean, naked on a paddle board with Katy Perry that time – while serving him drinks at Chiltern Firehouse (aka London’s ritziest venue of 2014), then joined him in his suite…2 min
Grazia|Issue 630YOU THE FASHION JURYOUR PANELGEMMA HAYWARDGrazia’s senior fashion editor has more than a decade’s worth of celebrity styling and fashion editorials under her belt. No A-list look will get past this eye for detail.EMILY PHILLIPSGrazia’s features director is writing a novel, so spends most of her time in lycra (that’s never seen the inside of a gym). But it does make her extra excited to witness real fashion.NAOMI WATTSGEMMA SAYS:Ms Watts looks so radiant in this floral dress that she’s literally a ray of sunshine – no wonder she’s wearing shades. You can’t argue with that smile, can you?★★★✩✩EMILY SAYS:More royal garden party than queen of hearts, Naomi is keeping it safe in this pretty-pretty Lela Rose sunshine floral. The liquorice allsort sandals are a bit of reprieve, but I prefer her with…3 min
Grazia|Issue 630BUST UPS AND BOY TROUBLES - it Moss be summerPhotos: Getty Images, Instagram/@colunadiretodafonte IS IT JUST US, OR IS THERE SOMETHING about early summer that sends Kate Moss into orbit? This time last year, Grazia revealed that she had an altercation with Diana Ross during her first trip to Cannes in 15 years. Almost exactly a year to the day before that, while on an EasyJet flight, she labelled the pilot a ‘basic bitch’ and swigged her own vodka before being led off a plane by police. This year’s offering? A 2am brawl with a fellow guest at Naomi Campbell’s Fashion for Relief gala in Cannes last week. Apparently, Kate, 43, was ‘downing bottles of wine’ at the charity event when another woman ‘squared up to her’. According to sources, Mary J Blige was forced to break the pair…2 min
Grazia|Issue 630‘WHY I’M SICK OF FLYING SOLO’‘SORRY LOVELY, I’M going to Barcelona with the uni girls, I’m afraid!’ As I read the text, I was overwhelmed with sadness; a ball of totally misplaced anger grew in the pit of my stomach. Of course it wasn’t Claire’s fault she’d already made holiday plans – or that I’d left sorting out mine till late March – but she was my last hope. I couldn’t believe that not one of my friends (and I had asked six of them, yes, SIX) could go on holiday with me this year. How had this happened?If you’re in a relationship, the idea of not having anyone to go on holiday with is probably incomprehensible. But when you’re a 34-year-old singleton, I can tell you it’s an easy situation to find yourself in.I…5 min
Grazia|Issue 630POLLY VERNONPhotos: The Sun/News Syndication, WENN Blame it on Brexit, or Trump, or not knowing how the hell I should vote in the election, on binge-watching the brilliant-yet-harrowing Three Girls at the weekend, or the unimaginable sadness of last week… But I cannot stop obsessing over that waitress who got sacked last week for sleeping with Orlando Bloom. Oh, I needed some light news relief, I needed it bad and, bless her cotton socks/the scarlet lingerie in which she’d previously Instagrammed herself, Viviana Ross provided it! To recap: Ross – a 21-year-old aspiring actress – met Bloom – Lord Of The Rings, Pirates Of The Caribbean, naked on a paddle board with Katy Perry that time – while serving him drinks at Chiltern Firehouse (aka London’s ritziest venue of 2014), then…2 min
Grazia|Issue 630YOUR NE W GO-TODESPERATELY SEEKING fashion-forward, high-quality must-haves that you don’t see on everyone else? Call off the search! New online brand KITRI has nailed fashion’s holy grail – wardrobe classics with a totally now, individual twist. Not only is each distinctive piece limited edition and really well-made, they’re affordable too, with prices starting at just £49. Set up by women like you, for women like you – busy, stylish, on the lookout for something a bit different – KITRI’s mission is to bridge the gap between fast fashion and contemporary designer labels. As well as designing capsule pieces you’ll love – from wear-everywhere separates to beautifully cut dresses and playful jumpsuits, KITRI has created a stress-free online shopping experience, with free next-day delivery and free, easy returns. Sound like the answer to…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630MORE FASH LESS CASHHEATWAVESSummer fashion should bring a smile to your face and these buttercup yellows and blown-up florals do just that. For S/S ’17, it’ s all about head-to-toe colour (see 3.1 Phillip Lim), but if that’ s not for you, then break it up with denim. Heading off on holiday? Accessorise with tassel detailing and botanical-printed swimwear. And bring the sunshine into your workwear wardrobe with this Zara blazer (right), teamed with black kick-flare trousers and chunky loafers.Phot os:, Jason Lloyd-Evans…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630BEAUTY CHARTS1. CANDY CRUSHHyper hues are the order of the day, but sporting a technicolour ensemble takes guts. Why not try OPI Nail Lacquer in Two-Timing The Zones, £12.50, instead. An irresistible candy pink, it will boots your tan, too. opiuk .com2. SQUEAKY CLE AN99% of women agreed that Estée Lauder’s Nutritious Micro-Algae Pore Cleansing left skin feeling cleaner than ever before. Moreover, this formula is inspired by the Korean beauty industry – leaders of the fresh-faced pack. HEALTHY HAIRScalp health is synonymous with great hair, so all Aveda appointments now come with a free scalp consultation and treatment. In-between, purge impurities with their Scalp Concentrate, £35. SEXY SPRITZThe campaign for Lancôme La Nuit Trésor, £69, screams sex, and the juice in this bottle follows suit. Initial sweetness from…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630FIT FILESCLEAR BREWOur tiny minds are blown by the world’s first Clear Coffee, £4.99 for two bottles. Made via a secret process with arabica beans and purified H 2 O, it looks like water, tastes like a perfectly brewed, chilled Americano, has no sugar or sweeteners and leaves zero tooth stains. Cheers to that!PURIFY YOUR MINDPicture this: you’re encapsulated in a 99.95% pure air pod, resting on a bed wearing a virtual-reality mask. No, you’re not gaming – this is an eight-minute mindful meditation session, during which a therapist activates your body’s pressure points. Aiming to renew serenity, Natura Bissé’s Mindful Touch Experience, from £100, ends with an indulgent facial. Sure beats a session on the PlayStation...SWIITCH YOUR SHOWERIt’s time to upgrade your morning ablutions. VitaClean’s easy-to-fit shower head, £59.99, is…2 min
Grazia|Issue 630SCREEN TIMEThe Handmaid’s Tale transports us to the dystopian fictional America of Margaret Atwood’s imagination. A modernisation of her exquisitely bold 1985 feminist classic, it is barbaric, unsettling, occasionally dotted with the sharpest black humour, and totally unmissable TV. Given its highly distinct intellectual thinking on rape culture, under the saturation coverage of a POTUS who has openly espoused the physical abuse of women, it could not feel more timely. After having her child snatched in a military operation, Offred (Elisabeth Moss: amazing) is sent to a fertility farm charged with providing children for the childless. Nobody stints on the sadism for the TV adaption. A rape scene is orchestrated to the sound of Onward Christian Soldiers, with the offender reciting the biblical story of Jacob and Rachel. Moss plays the…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630CULTUREMELISSA HENRYGrazia’s editorial assistant★★★★✩This novel pulled at my heart strings. A story of parallels between parents raising children and children caring for parents. A 30-year-old daughter, struggling to find her own identity, agrees to move home to help her mother with her father, recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Heart-warming (the father’s old journal entries about raising his daughter) and heart-wrenching (the sorrow of Alzheimer’s) gave this novel sincerity and truth.LISA HOWARDGrazia’s production director★★★★✩In this epic yet understated story of love, loss and family, life’s most profound truths are explored through the prism of seemingly mundane and absurd minutiae. Funny and tragic, heart-breaking and life-affirming, it reminds you that in the end, that’s all there is – countless passing moments.MADALINA LOGHINGrazia’s pictures intern★★★★✩This sad story is paved with funny moments as Ruth…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630COME OUT ON TOPWhether you’ve got a garden, a yard, or you’ve staked a claim to a patch of grass in your local park, here are summer’s hottest outdoor accessories…1 BRIGHT ON !Garden furniture has gone neon for a garden that zings, whatever the British weather. Salsa range (right), from £79, johnlewis.com2. PLATE PRINTSForget plain and pared back – this season’s tableware is all about standout prints for a cheerful table. Hinterland outdoor collection (above), from £2.50, sainsbur POT SHOTSPlanters and pots add greenery to your outdoor space but choose ones with a fab shape or on-trend materials, such as concrete, and you get design impact too. Fibreglass faceted planters (far right), from £75, JUNGLE FEVERPalms are a thing right now and they make for a lush vibe. Get this look…2 min
Grazia|Issue 630LETTER OF THE WEEKTALKING POINTHarrowing and hard to watch,Three Girls touched the nation’s nerve. Exhausting, engaging and, in the final stages, empowering. The BBC dramatisation of the Rochdale child sex abuse scandal was a programme that you wanted to think wasn’t real but, unfortunately, was. This excellently acted production really conveyed that the system was broken and all of the women were let down. Hopefully, the girls are moving on and, as the real Holly said, ‘Nobody really understood what grooming was or how it happened.’ Thanks to this programme ‘we do now Holly, we do now’.Julie…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630BEYOND THE PALESINCE THE DAWN OF FAKE TAN, there were those prepared to tolerate the indignities associated with getting your bronze from a bottle (think stains, smells and smudges) and those who weren’t. But with baking on a beach now off-limits, the tanning gods have revealed an abundance of sophisticated glow-givers designed to delight even the most reluctant user. ‘This new-gen bunch are hassle-free, hugely varied in what they offer and bursting with added benefits, making them appealing to all, no matter what the shade of your skin or the finish you desire,’ says A-list tanner James Read. Here’s why you should give them a whirl… The Gr azia team stayed at Villa La Semilla with Edge Retreats ( Model: Madison Headrick at The Lions. Hair: Jenny Kim at MAP using Kiehl's.…4 min
Grazia|Issue 630“ME, MY SELFIE AND I”ZARA LARSSON, 19We ask the singer-songwriter to take an exclusive selfie – and reveal allWho is your hero?Beyoncé. I met her after a concert in Stockholm in 2013. I tried to play it cool, but I just cried. She was very sweet about it.What are you most proud of?The album I just released, So Good. It’s the first big body of work that I’ve done. The reaction so far has been really positive, but of course it’s nerve-racking every time you put something out there.What’s your biggest regret?Not sleeping enough. I’m a night person.What do your friends tease you about?If anything, I tease them. A lot. If you’re gonna be my friend, you’ve got to be able to take it. I roast my friends.What did you think about before falling…2 min
Grazia|Issue 630CULTUREPhot os: All St ar MELISSA HENRY Grazia’s editorial assistant ★★★★✩ This novel pulled at my heart strings. A story of parallels between parents raising children and children caring for parents. A 30-year-old daughter, struggling to find her own identity, agrees to move home to help her mother with her father, recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Heart-warming (the father’s old journal entries about raising his daughter) and heart-wrenching (the sorrow of Alzheimer’s) gave this novel sincerity and truth. LISA HOWARD Grazia’s production director ★★★★✩ In this epic yet understated story of love, loss and family, life’s most profound truths are explored through the prism of seemingly mundane and absurd minutiae. Funny and tragic, heart-breaking and life-affirming, it reminds you that in the end, that’s all there is – countless passing moments.…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630NOW OVER TO YOU...PROPOSING A CHANGE For the first time in my 10 years of reading Grazia, I’m properly cross. I’d hoped that your cover story Emma plans feminist proposal (29 May) was journalistic hyperbole and that a more balanced article would follow. Proposing isn’t a feminist issue, it’s equality. I proposed to my husband. It wasn’t a mark of feminism, rather that I knew he felt it was stressful trying to find ‘the perfect moment’. Feminism cannot progress until we put ourselves on a level playing field and forget about gender tropes – in the boardroom as well as the marital home. Lucy VINYL COUNTDOWN The saying ‘Ne’er cast a clout till May be out’ seems as true as ever. The weather is nice as I write this, but I’m sure that…1 min
Grazia|Issue 63030 May 2017Photos: Facebook Instagram , Eyevine, Splash News, Pixel 8000 Hope – as Bryony Gordon writes on page 12 – is what the terrorists tried to take away last week, when an attack on an Ariana Grande concert saw 22 people killed and many more terribly injured. That and innocence – of young children in particular. It was horrifying, heartbreaking and rage-inducing. Families were broken apart, men, women and children left dead, severely injured or deeply traumatised – wounds that may take decades to heal. Yet, we came together. Communities that could have been pitched against each other took to the streets and united, in grief and, yes, in hope. Here at Grazia , as a team we felt we needed to mark this moment – to honour those whose lives…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630‘EVERY CHILD ON THIS LAND IS MY CHILD, I FEEL THAT PAIN’Proudly dressed in a Union Jack hijab at the interfaith vigil last Wednesday, Manchester resident Gulnar Bano Khan, 49, spoke to us about how she – and the local Muslim community – were reacting: ‘I’m disgusted. We need to unite – Manchester is a beautiful city, this is the land I was born, I am proud to be British. Every child on this land is my child, I feel that pain. Seeing the girls’ pictures... you see them when you sleep. You think about your own kids, if they were there. I pray for them. The feedback I’m getting from the Muslim community is that they’re disgusted by the person who’s done this – they would not class him as a human, let alone from any faith. [The Muslim community…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630HOW DO WE EXPLAIN THIS TO OUR CHILDREN?‘But it’s just the sort of concert we’d have gone to,’ said my 16-year-old daughter, who’d spent the last hour quietly digesting the breaking news from Manchester. At that point, the victims were starting to be identified – a gallery of lost girls. All those cheeky faces grinning in selfies, fizzing with confidence and plans for a grand future. Olivia Campbell, 15, who was well on her way to becoming a professional singer and dancer; Sorrell Leczkowski, 14, who loved life in Year 9; Nell Jones, 14, who excelled in drama and maths and was beside herself with excitement about going to her first gig. That gallery looked more like a school yearbook than a police report. And that’s the thing with this latest terrorist atrocity. All lives are equal,…3 min
Grazia|Issue 630TWITTER IN THE TIME OF TERRORWith families desperately searching for their missing relatives, the hashtag #manchestermissing became an immediate and vital resource for spreading information and reconnecting those separated amid the terrifying events. Later, good-hearted Mancunians used #roomformanchester to offer shelter, transport and food.But as with all good things on the internet, there was a dark side too. Shockingly, accounts began faking missing person appeals, using pictures of people not at the concert for attention, likes and retweets. False information, such as an image of Ariana Grande covered in blood (from her appearance in Scream Queens), was intended to spread panic, while trolls interjected with insidious comments.There’s a wider problem with misinformation too. Experts say that, as well as using social media to recruit followers and seek attention, terrorists rely on the confusion social media…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630PEACE ENDURES WHEN WOMEN CAN PARTICIPATEAlicia portrait: Clare Wood Photos: Getty, Joel Goodman/LNP, Wenn, Rex “Hope. That’s what they try to take away, every time they ram vehicles into tourists on a mission to hear the chimes of Big Ben, or blow themselves up to disperse nails into the bodies of children who have just been to their first pop concert. Children and teenagers giddy with the joy of having watched their idol perform in front of their very eyes, the songs they’d danced and squealed along to in their bedrooms so many times before. Pop songs that spoke of love and laughter and the future. Because that is what all pop songs are about, really: possibility. We must assume that when Salman Abedi chose to blow himself up in the foyer of the Manchester…3 min
Grazia|Issue 630RIRI’S MOVIE MEME COMES TRUE IN CANNESON THE ROCKING YACHTS that line the harbour of Cannes, big-money big-movie deals are made under the intense French sun every May. The champagne flows, top buttons are finally undone and projects that have been years, decades in the wrangling are finally sold and signed. This May at Cannes, however, things went a little differently. This time, the headlines were about a film that had been dreamt up by the public; which had a cast and film-making crew also suggested by the public. In fact, it was an idea that started life as a joke on social media. The headlines: the film in question had been sold to Netflix. And the film? A buddy heist movie starring Oscar-winning actress Lupita Nyong’o and Rihanna.*Record scratch*Yes, Rihanna.This, to many people, was the…4 min
Grazia|Issue 6302 JENNIFER ANISTON’S NEIGHBOUR NIGHTMAREJENNIFER ANISTON’S famous role saw her make Friends with fellow residents in a New York apartment block. Sadly, life isn’t imitating art, and the actor has found herself at the centre of a bitter dispute with a neighbour in her Greenwich Village complex. (Also, nobody could drink that much coffee without having a seizure.)The problems started in 2015, when Jennifer and husband Justin Theroux began renovating the apartment he’s lived in since 2001. Their downstairs neighbour, Norman Resnicow, insisted they install $30,000 worth of sound-proofing in the floor. When they didn’t comply, Justin and Jennifer allege he ‘made it his twisted sport to bully and intimidate’ them.They claim he’s threatened to cut the water and electricity to their deck, said he’ll kill Justin’s plants and suggested any legal action would…2 min
Grazia|Issue 6306 FACTOR 50+ SIZZLES IN CANNESOUR FAVOURITE BRIGHT young things are certainly making fashion waves at Cannes – see Kendall Jenner (overleaf) in an Alexandre Vauthier bustier with a train of epic proportions for proof. But it’s the older generation that has La Croisette really sizzling, as a host of mature actresses are winning on the red carpet, making interesting choices for casual photo calls and generally showing the younger generation just how it’s done. Like Susan Sarandon, whose plunging-cleavage Alberta Ferretti gown and confident swagger had heads turning at the festival’s opening ceremony.While we’ve come to expect a stellar style performance on the red carpet from the likes of Tilda Swinton, Salma Hayek and Isabelle Huppert, considerably rarer are appearances from the likes of Sarandon, Kristin Scott Thomas and Juliette Binoche, who’ve all wowed…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630Rules of the Riviera1 BLUEPerhaps inspired by the sparkling waters of the Côte d’Azur, the red carpet has been awash in blue – from topaz to deep marine. We love.2 DENIMWe find it hard to part with our trusty denim, so applaud Kendall Jenner and Marion Cotillard for refusing to ditch theirs too, even on the ever-glam red carpet at Cannes.3 BRIDALWedding season is well underway, and there was plenty of inspiration for the engaged – from wedding-worthy dresses to Elisabeth Moss in an actual bridal gown by Oscar de la Renta.4 VOLUMEWe don’t know how they didn’t wilt in the heat, but the takes on volume were a revelation. Full skirts, tiers and ruffles were the stuff princess dreams are made of – see Aishwarya Rai, above.5 OLD GOLDThe champagne flows at…1 min
Grazia|Issue 6308 WHY DO SO MANY WOMEN BACK ASSANGE?“ROCK-STAR STATUS CAN MAKE EVEN THE MOST CLEARHEADED IDEALIST FEEL THEY ARE ABOVE THE LAW”ON 19 MAY, the curious case of Julian Assange took another unexpected turn. It was announced that the self-styled seeker of truth and justice with WikiLeaks – holed up in Ecuador’s London embassy since two women claimed he forced them to have sex without a condom in 2010 – would no longer be interrogated by Swedish authorities. (They claimed they’d exhausted all options to arrest him.) But despite always denying the charges – he claims the sex was consensual – Assange remains in his strange self-imposed exile, just a stone’s throw from Harrods, with a surprising and loyal coterie of intelligent, high-profile women who visit and support him.Fearing extradition to the US if he left the…4 min
Grazia|Issue 6305 You know the espa-drilleNEW YORK FASHION WEEK FORGET WHAT THE weatherman says or the date on the calendar, there’s no better sign that summer is here than the donning of a pair of summer shoes. Be they sandals, something silken or a pair of slides, the summer shoe is all about optimism, saying to the world, ‘no rain will blight my day’. And the summer shoe to be seen in this season? The wedge espadrille. Yep, you read that right, and no we’re not advocating the return of the full-on yummy-mummy look made famous by the likes of Elle Macpherson and Elizabeth Hurley. The espadrille’s stock has been rising for a couple of summers now, with established European brands such as Castañer offering an authentic touch of the Med without you having to…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630THE BRIEF SHEETTAIWAN LEGALISES SAME-SEX MARRIAGEThere were celebrations across the country as Taiwan’s highest court ruled in favour of the ‘right to equality’, making it the first country in Asia to legalise gay marriage. It’s hoped the law will come into force within the next two years.OXFORD MEDICAL STUDENT WHO STABBED EX IN LEG COULD BE EXPELLEDShe dodged a prison sentence because of her ‘extraordinary talent’, but 24-year-old Lavinia Woodward has been told there are ‘no guarantees’ the university will let her return to her studies.MIGRANTS DROWN OFF THE COAST OF ITALYAt least 34 Libyan migrants, many of them children, drowned after a boat accident left 200 people in the sea without life jackets. Many were hauled out by Malta-based rescue group Migrant Offshore Aid Station.THE NOKIA 3310 MAKES ITS COMEBACKThe ‘dumbphone’…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630Rules of the Riviera1 BLUE Perhaps inspired by the sparkling waters of the Côte d’Azur, the red carpet has been awash in blue – from topaz to deep marine. We love. 2 DENIM We find it hard to part with our trusty denim, so applaud Kendall Jenner and Marion Cotillard for refusing to ditch theirs too, even on the ever-glam red carpet at Cannes. 3 BRIDAL Wedding season is well underway, and there was plenty of inspiration for the engaged – from wedding-worthy dresses to Elisabeth Moss in an actual bridal gown by Oscar de la Renta. 4 VOLUME We don’t know how they didn’t wilt in the heat, but the takes on volume were a revelation. Full skirts, tiers and ruffles were the stuff princess dreams are made of – see Aishwarya…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630Andy, 34, is gay. But three months ago he slept with his female best friend. Here they tell their story...ANDY WEST SAYS:I’m a gay man and there’s no doubt in my mind about it. I don’t remember a thing about the women sitting opposite me on my train yesterday. I do, however, recall exactly what the hot guy standing by the carriage door was wearing. But, in February, I did something that has left my gay friends questioning my sexuality. For the first time in my life, I slept with a woman – and I liked it.She’s called Amber and she’s been one of my closest friends for 11 years after we met at a party and clicked instantly. Since then, we’ve supported each other through some of the most difficult times with our respective boyfriends. Most recently, she helped me back on my feet after my fiancé, Ed,…5 min
Grazia|Issue 630‘I’M GLAD ANDY’S SEXUAL EXPERIMENT WAS WITH ME’AMBER SAYSLeading up to the night it happened, I’d been worried about Andy. He hadn’t been himself since splitting from Ed. So when, after a few drinks, he started joking about us sleeping together, I was relieved he’d shaken himself out of his slump. I’d split from my boyfriend a while back and was missing the intimacy of sex. I thought, why not? We’ve been such close friends for years, if this experience was going to happen for him, it should be with me.Back at his, in bed, it was dark but we could just about see each other’s bodies. It felt intimate and familiar, yet quiet and still. He was so scared at first and I had to guide him but, strangely, I found having so much control sexy.…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630PARTY PEOPLEOUT ON THE TOWNWHAT Talk of the Townhouse launchWHERE Jo Malone London townhouse, MaryleboneWHO Poppy Delevingne, Karen Elson, Samantha Cameron, Sophie DahlJo Malone London celebrated the launch of their new online platform with the most delicious-smelling house party in history, thanks to aptly named florist Flora Starkey’s woven landscapes scenting each room . After throwing shapes with Sam Cam, JML girl Poppy D told us,‘Tonight was made up of all my favourite things: pals, flowers in abundance and, of course, fragrance.’WILD TIMESWHAT Jimmy Choo x My Theresa dinnerWHERE The Garden Museum, LondonWHO Princess Eugenie, Mary Charteris, Jack Guinness, Daisy LoweFresh from celebrating Pippa Middleton’s wedding, Princess Eugenie of York headed to London’s new Garden Museum to raise a toast to Jimmy Choo and’s Glitter collection. The museum was transformed…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630WARDROBE WORK SHOPJOIN THE DOTSFar from twee, this polka-dot maxi screams modern prairie.FULL-THROTTLE FLORALSThis ’70s wallpaper-inspired print calls for sculptural gold jewellery and minimal make-up.BIG EARS !Be playful with accessories – make a statement with these XXL shoulder-dusters.TIE THE KNOTA delicately tied grosgrain shoulder detail adds drama to a simple slip dress.SUPPORTING ROLEA bold floral bralet instantly updates a fluid summer dress.BLUE MOODToughen up sumptuous silks and soft ruffles with tan leather clogs.Casting and bookings: Holly Scott Lidgett. Hair: Brady Lea at Stella Creative Artists using ColorProof. Make-up: Nancy Sumner at Eighteen Management using MAC Cosmetics. Fashion assistant: Jessica Skeete-Cross. Model: Kelly Ferr at Models 1…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630YOU THE FASHION JURYOUR PANEL GEMMA HAYWARD Grazia’s senior fashion editor has more than a decade’s worth of celebrity styling and fashion editorials under her belt. No A-list look will get past this eye for detail. EMILY PHILLIPS Grazia’s features director is writing a novel, so spends most of her time in lycra (that’s never seen the inside of a gym). But it does make her extra excited to witness real fashion. NAOMI WATTS GEMMA SAYS: Ms Watts looks so radiant in this floral dress that she’s literally a ray of sunshine – no wonder she’s wearing shades. You can’t argue with that smile, can you? ★★★✩✩ EMILY SAYS: More royal garden party than queen of hearts, Naomi is keeping it safe in this pretty-pretty Lela Rose sunshine floral. The liquorice allsort sandals…3 min
Grazia|Issue 630GRAZIA BEAUTYSUPER SKINWhere we spotted itAt Proenza Schouler, where model skin was given an other-worldly glow.Why we love itWho doesn’t want a clear complexion with a ‘lit from within’ luminosity?Ways to work itThe secret to success lies in the preparation process. Massage skin with a glow-giving face oil and follow with a soothing moisturiser. Afterwards, keep it light with a spot of careful concealing. A slick of lip balm seals the deal.Photos: Marco Vittur, Jason Lloyd-Evans. Beauty Pie: Bourjois: Eve Lom: Manuka Doctor: Pixi:…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630BEYOND THE PALESINCE THE DAWN OF FAKE TAN, there were those prepared to tolerate the indignities associated with getting your bronze from a bottle (think stains, smells and smudges) and those who weren’t. But with baking on a beach now off-limits, the tanning gods have revealed an abundance of sophisticated glow-givers designed to delight even the most reluctant user. ‘This new-gen bunch are hassle-free, hugely varied in what they offer and bursting with added benefits, making them appealing to all, no matter what the shade of your skin or the finish you desire,’ says A-list tanner James Read. Here’s why you should give them a whirl…1 FAREWELL TO UNEVEN FADING‘If you want a streak-free finish that fades evenly, hydration is key,’ says James. ‘Many of the latest tanners include skin-conditioning ingredients, so…5 min
Grazia|Issue 630PARTY PEOPLEPhotos: Dave Benett OUT ON THE TOWN WHAT Talk of the Townhouse launch WHERE Jo Malone London townhouse, Marylebone WHO Poppy Delevingne, Karen Elson, Samantha Cameron, Sophie Dahl Jo Malone London celebrated the launch of their new online platform with the most delicious-smelling house party in history, thanks to aptly named florist Flora Starkey’s woven landscapes scenting each room . After throwing shapes with Sam Cam, JML girl Poppy D told us,‘Tonight was made up of all my favourite things: pals, flowers in abundance and, of course, fragrance.’ Words: Hannah Flint. Photos: Dave Benett WILD TIMES WHAT Jimmy Choo x My Theresa dinner WHERE The Garden Museum, London WHO Princess Eugenie, Mary Charteris, Jack Guinness, Daisy Lowe Fresh from celebrating Pippa Middleton’s wedding, Princess Eugenie of York headed to London’s…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630DROPPING THIS WEEKBRITISH TRIBESGrayson Perry has become Channel 4’s chronicler of modern manners. The reason he works so gloriously in the role is a complete lack of pretension when it comes to genuine curiosity about the beliefs and priorities of the common man. In Grayson Perry: Divided Britain, his investigations into why Brexit happened turn into a neat precursor to Theresa’s snap election. Tuesday, 9pm, Channel 4SEEKING ANSWERSThe absolute shambles of the leaders of the two biggest parties in the country not being willing to debate with one another like grown adults gets its alternative truth, its own fake news on Thursday’s special Question Time, when Theresa and Jeremy will face the audience, just not each other. Honestly, cowardice much? Someone bang their heads together, as my nana used to say. Thursday,…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630Get your fix of watercooler films, shows and festivals…1. WONDER WOMANGal Gadot stars as Diana Princess of the Amazons, trained to be an unconquerable warrior – and, ultimately, Wonder Woman Out Thursday2 OUR BAILEYS BOOK EVENTJoin June Sarpong, Katie Khan, Aki Schilz, Aminatta Forna and chair Kate Mosse as they discuss inspiring books over a Baileys. womens GRADUATE FASHION WEEKDoors open on a range of talks, shows and events from this year’ s talented graduates. 4-7 June, London; graduatefashionweek. com/buy-tickets4 FLOVIBEThe first of its kind, this Northamptonshire festival brings together the leading lights of the UK yoga, wellness and health scene with bands and international DJs. Family-friendly. 2-4 June,…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630GRAZIA BEAUTYPhotos: Marco Vittur, Jason Lloyd-Evans. Beauty Pie: Bourjois: Eve Lom: Manuka Doctor: Pixi: SUPER SKIN Where we spotted it At Proenza Schouler, where model skin was given an other-worldly glow. Why we love it Who doesn’t want a clear complexion with a ‘lit from within’ luminosity? Ways to work it The secret to success lies in the preparation process. Massage skin with a glow-giving face oil and follow with a soothing moisturiser. Afterwards, keep it light with a spot of careful concealing. A slick of lip balm seals the deal.…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630AND FINALLY...Celebrating seven decades of Wrangler and 50 years since the Summer of Love, the masters of denim have released a collection of colourful patchwork jeans, shorts and jackets with trippy printed T-shirts and accessories to boot.From £60, BOND ACTOR Sir Roger Moore died, aged 89, after a ‘short but brave battle with cancer’, his family revealed last week. They added in a statement, ‘With the heaviest of hearts, we must share the awful news that our father passed away today. We are all devastated.’KATY PERRY opened up to James Corden about that feud with Taylor Swift. We learned: ‘Taylor started it!’, Katy ‘tried to talk to her about it’, and she is ‘ready for that BS to be done’. She added, ‘ There is the law of cause and…2 min
Grazia|Issue 630HOROSCOPESGEMINI 22 May – 21 JunYou sometimes display a generous spirit with people less worldly-wise or less well-off than yourself. And Venus colluding with Uranus and Saturn means you’ll want to be especially indulgent towards those who’ll appreciate it. What a pity the person closest to you is craving your undivided attention and feels entitled to not share you with anyone else. You must swiftly and efficiently establish where your priorities lie.CANCER 22 Jun – 23 JulSome might be surprised at how forthcoming you can be when questions are raised about your private life. Instead of avoiding the matter, you’ll be very frank with your responses and won’t mind sharing experiences usually regarded as being personal. Why the sudden candour? Who knows? Who cares?LE O 24 Jul – 23 AugPerhaps…3 min
Grazia|Issue 630A FLORAL FIESTAPhoto: David Marquez Jo Malone London’s latest partnership with Poppy Delevingne bottles the model’s favourite colognes in limited-edition miniature flagons designed to be easily slipped into a pocket or pouch. ‘I love sexy, musky scents, which is why I chose Tuberose Angelica, £74 – it makes me feel very grown up,’ laughs Poppy. Orange Blossom, £64, on the other hand, ‘reminds me of being in love. I wore it for my wedding.’ The playful, confetti-splattered bottle is a big step away from the brand’s traditional aesthetic, but that’s exactly the point. ‘I envisioned something celebratory,’ Poppy explains. Get them before they go! Both limited-edition 50ml bottles are available at from June…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630SCREEN TIMEThe Handmaid’s Tale transports us to the dystopian fictional America of Margaret Atwood’s imagination. A modernisation of her exquisitely bold 1985 feminist classic, it is barbaric, unsettling, occasionally dotted with the sharpest black humour, and totally unmissable TV. Given its highly distinct intellectual thinking on rape culture, under the saturation coverage of a POTUS who has openly espoused the physical abuse of women, it could not feel more timely. After having her child snatched in a military operation, Offred (Elisabeth Moss: amazing) is sent to a fertility farm charged with providing children for the childless. Nobody stints on the sadism for the TV adaption. A rape scene is orchestrated to the sound of Onward Christian Soldiers, with the offender reciting the biblical story of Jacob and Rachel. Moss plays the…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630Get your fix of watercooler films, shows and festivals…1. WONDER WOMAN Gal Gadot stars as Diana Princess of the Amazons, trained to be an unconquerable warrior – and, ultimately, Wonder Woman Out Thursday 2 OUR BAILEYS BOOK EVENT Join June Sarpong, Katie Khan, Aki Schilz, Aminatta Forna and chair Kate Mosse as they discuss inspiring books over a Baileys. womens 3 GRADUATE FASHION WEEK Doors open on a range of talks, shows and events from this year’ s talented graduates. 4-7 June, London; graduatefashionweek. com/buy-tickets 4 FLOVIBE The first of its kind, this Northamptonshire festival brings together the leading lights of the UK yoga, wellness and health scene with bands and international DJs. Family-friendly. 2-4 June,…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630LETTER OF THE WEEKTALKING POINT Harrowing and hard to watch, Three Girls touched the nation’s nerve. Exhausting, engaging and, in the final stages, empowering. The BBC dramatisation of the Rochdale child sex abuse scandal was a programme that you wanted to think wasn’t real but, unfortunately, was. This excellently acted production really conveyed that the system was broken and all of the women were let down. Hopefully, the girls are moving on and, as the real Holly said, ‘Nobody really understood what grooming was or how it happened.’ Thanks to this programme ‘we do now Holly, we do now’. Julie…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630AND FINALLY...Celebrating seven decades of Wrangler and 50 years since the Summer of Love, the masters of denim have released a collection of colourful patchwork jeans, shorts and jackets with trippy printed T-shirts and accessories to boot.From £60, JAMES BOND ACTOR Sir Roger Moore died, aged 89, after a ‘short but brave battle with cancer’, his family revealed last week. They added in a statement, ‘With the heaviest of hearts, we must share the awful news that our father passed away today. We are all devastated.’ KATY PERRY opened up to James Corden about that feud with Taylor Swift. We learned: ‘Taylor started it!’, Katy ‘tried to talk to her about it’, and she is ‘ready for that BS to be done’. She added, ‘ There is the law of…2 min
Grazia|Issue 630HEARTBREAK – BUT LOVE ENCIRCLES THE CITYALICIA HATTERSLEY’S HANDS won’t stop shaking. It’s as if the vibrations of the suicide bomb that transformed her life – and thousands of others – 18 hours earlier still reverberate through her. She can’t stop thinking about that sound. ‘I thought straight away, “This is a terrorist attack”,’ she tells me, tears permanently lodged in her eyes. ‘I thought, “I’m going to die. There’s going to be someone exploding another bomb next to us and we’re not going to be able to get out,” or “There’s going to be a gunman.”’Alicia, 21, is one of 21,000 people who danced towards Ariana Grande’s concert at the Manchester Arena last Monday, expecting nothing more than a good time. Instead, when Salman Abedi, 22, walked into the foyer of the venue and blew…6 min
Grazia|Issue 630‘EVERY CHILD ON THIS LAND IS MY CHILD, I FEEL THAT PAIN’Proudly dressed in a Union Jack hijab at the interfaith vigil last Wednesday, Manchester resident Gulnar Bano Khan, 49, spoke to us about how she – and the local Muslim community – were reacting: ‘I’m disgusted. We need to unite – Manchester is a beautiful city, this is the land I was born, I am proud to be British. Every child on this land is my child, I feel that pain. Seeing the girls’ pictures... you see them when you sleep. You think about your own kids, if they were there. I pray for them. The feedback I’m getting from the Muslim community is that they’re disgusted by the person who’s done this – they would not class him as a human, let alone from any faith. [The Muslim community…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630MANCUNIAN PAUL FLYNN CELEBRATES THE HERITAGE OF HIS HOMETOWNFor reasons entirely unconnected to the bomb, I spent most of last week in Manchester. It’s my home city. I love it. Last week, perhaps more than ever before. It should’ve been cloudy (it always is) but the sun shone bright. It should’ve been gobby, pissed and loud (it always is) but it was quiet, reflective and, for a moment, when an impromptu singalong of Oasis’s Don’t Look Back In Anger broke out beside a carpet of flowers in St Ann’s Square, at its most majestic. Manchester is a city that supports its tough shoulders and quick mind with a tender spine. It is a contrary place: diffident, righteous and warm-hearted, with a deeply connected understanding of the power of sarcasm unrivalled by any other British city (OK, maybe Liverpool).…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630PEACE ENDURES WHEN WOMEN CAN PARTICIPATE“Hope. That’s what they try to take away, every time they ram vehicles into tourists on a mission to hear the chimes of Big Ben, or blow themselves up to disperse nails into the bodies of children who have just been to their first pop concert. Children and teenagers giddy with the joy of having watched their idol perform in front of their very eyes, the songs they’d danced and squealed along to in their bedrooms so many times before. Pop songs that spoke of love and laughter and the future. Because that is what all pop songs are about, really: possibility.We must assume that when Salman Abedi chose to blow himself up in the foyer of the Manchester Arena at the end of an Ariana Grande concert, it was…3 min
Grazia|Issue 630GRAZIA’S CHART OF LUST1. UP CHER Wore t his to the Billboard Awards last week and, while ng her award, announced that at 71: ‘I can do a five-minute plank, OK?’ Septuagenarian goals. 2. NON-MOVER AZIZ ANSARI A virtually permanent mention herewith, because of Master Of None, which is why we featured him last week, but we don’t even care – that’s how good he is. 3. NEW IN ISABELLE HUPPERT IN CANNES This, then, is how to wear jeans. And we thought we were quite good at it. Apparently not. Hey ho. 4. UP MORRISSEY Took agin’ Judge Judy, renaming her ‘Judge Rudy’, after sitting near her in a restaurant and discovering she didn’t stop talking. ‘I was ready to ram her face into her own spaghetti,’ he said. 5. UP SPENCER…1 min
Grazia|Issue 6303 TO HOLD OR NOT TO HOLD?FOR SOMETHING so small, Donald Trump’s left hand gained a lot of column inches during his Middle Eastern visit last week. Specifically because, when he offered it to wife Melania on arrival in Tel Aviv, she dismissed him with a swipe of such unprecedented sass that the footage instantly went viral.Compare this excruciating body language to that of consummate hand-holders, the Obamas. Because that’s what former White House photographer Pete Souza did in response to the Melania swipe, posting on Instagram an old photo of the previous FLOTUS and POTUS, fingers laced together as per.So what does it say about the power dynamics of a relationship if you can’t agree on whether holding hands in public is an appropriate or pleasurable activity? Does it mean you are not willing to…2 min
Grazia|Issue 6305 You know the espa-drilleFORGET WHAT THE weatherman says or the date on the calendar, there’s no better sign that summer is here than the donning of a pair of summer shoes. Be they sandals, something silken or a pair of slides, the summer shoe is all about optimism, saying to the world, ‘no rain will blight my day’.And the summer shoe to be seen in this season? The wedge espadrille. Yep, you read that right, and no we’re not advocating the return of the full-on yummy-mummy look made famous by the likes of Elle Macpherson and Elizabeth Hurley.The espadrille’s stock has been rising for a couple of summers now, with established European brands such as Castañer offering an authentic touch of the Med without you having to leave your hometown, and Chanel offering…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630NICOLE’S RENAISSANCEWhen Nicole Kidman first hit the red carpets in Cannes in 1992 she was, she told me very recently, ‘completely terrified. I just felt completely awkward and shy and people read into it that I was a bit of an ice queen.’Twenty-five years on, Nicole – just a month shy of her 50th birthday – positively owned this year’s festival, with no fewer than four entries in the official selection (the Australian television thriller Top Of The Lake, the sci-fi comedy How To Talk To Girls At Parties, Sofia Coppola’s The Beguiled and the art-house movie The Killing Of A Sacred Deer)‘I think I just feel happy,’ she told me on a recent trip to London. ‘I go for parts that inspire and excite me and I’ve learned to be…1 min
Grazia|Issue 6304 How emojis could save your love lifePhotos: Getty Images, Eyevine, ! Have you heard the ? Apparently the oft-maligned emoji – now used by 90% of the world’s quick-thumbed internet users – could be more beneficial to our lives than we might previously have . In his new The Emoji Code, world-renowned linguistics expert Professor Vyvyan Evans, that adding emojis to messages is actually a rather way of bridging the so-called communication gap between and . ‘Emoji puts the emotion back into textspeak,’ says Evans. ‘It enables us to induce emotional resonance in our addressee by providing powerful visual cues, helping to maintain and enhance understanding, especially in the arena of relationships.’ Think about it, there’s a BIG difference between saying you are fine , fine or fine . As Evans argues, men are much…1 min
Grazia|Issue 63010 GILES RULED THE AISLETHERE WAS PLENTY of speculation about who Pippa Middleton would choose for her own trip down the aisle last week. Big bridal names like Jenny Packham and Suzanne Neville were no doubt considered, while London FashionWeek designer EmiliaWickstead – who recently launched her own bridal collection – was seen as a likely choice. But we were thrilled when Gr azia favourite Giles Deacon was revealed as the man responsible for Pippa’s beautiful big moment. But just who is Giles, and why did Pippa choose him? Consider this your cheat sheet, everything you need to know about Mr Deacon…HIS MODELS/CASTING From the original supers to the new generation, Giles has worked with them all. Kendall made her LFW debut in Giles’ A/W ’14 show, while Cara snapped a selfie on the…2 min
Grazia|Issue 630NICOLE’S RENAISSANCEWhen Nicole Kidman first hit the red carpets in Cannes in 1992 she was, she told me very recently, ‘completely terrified. I just felt completely awkward and shy and people read into it that I was a bit of an ice queen.’ Twenty-five years on, Nicole – just a month shy of her 50th birthday – positively owned this year’s festival, with no fewer than four entries in the official selection (the Australian television thriller Top Of The Lake, the sci-fi comedy How To Talk To Girls At Parties, Sofia Coppola’s The Beguiled and the art-house movie The Killing Of A Sacred Deer) ‘I think I just feel happy,’ she told me on a recent trip to London. ‘I go for parts that inspire and excite me and I’ve learned…1 min
Grazia|Issue 6308 WHY DO SO MANY WOMEN BACK ASSANGE?Photos: i-images, Wenn, Getty, Landmark Media, Wire Image, Express Newspapers, Photoshot “ROCK-STAR STATUS CAN MAKE EVEN THE MOST CLEARHEADED IDEALIST FEEL THEY ARE ABOVE THE LAW” ON 19 MAY, the curious case of Julian Assange took another unexpected turn. It was announced that the self-styled seeker of truth and justice with WikiLeaks – holed up in Ecuador’s London embassy since two women claimed he forced them to have sex without a condom in 2010 – would no longer be interrogated by Swedish authorities. (They claimed they’d exhausted all options to arrest him.) But despite always denying the charges – he claims the sex was consensual – Assange remains in his strange self-imposed exile, just a stone’s throw from Harrods, with a surprising and loyal coterie of intelligent, high-profile women who…4 min
Grazia|Issue 63010 GILES RULED THE AISLETHERE WAS PLENTY of speculation about who Pippa Middleton would choose for her own trip down the aisle last week. Big bridal names like Jenny Packham and Suzanne Neville were no doubt considered, while London FashionWeek designer EmiliaWickstead – who recently launched her own bridal collection – was seen as a likely choice. But we were thrilled when Gr azia favourite Giles Deacon was revealed as the man responsible for Pippa’s beautiful big moment. But just who is Giles, and why did Pippa choose him? Consider this your cheat sheet, everything you need to know about Mr Deacon… HIS MODELS/CASTING From the original supers to the new generation, Giles has worked with them all. Kendall made her LFW debut in Giles’ A/W ’14 show, while Cara snapped a selfie on…2 min
Grazia|Issue 630THE BRIEF SHEETTAIWAN LEGALISES SAME-SEX MARRIAGE There were celebrations across the country as Taiwan’s highest court ruled in favour of the ‘right to equality’, making it the first country in Asia to legalise gay marriage. It’s hoped the law will come into force within the next two years. OXFORD MEDICAL STUDENT WHO STABBED EX IN LEG COULD BE EXPELLED She dodged a prison sentence because of her ‘extraordinary talent’, but 24-year-old Lavinia Woodward has been told there are ‘no guarantees’ the university will let her return to her studies. MIGRANTS DROWN OFF THE COAST OF ITALY At least 34 Libyan migrants, many of them children, drowned after a boat accident left 200 people in the sea without life jackets. Many were hauled out by Malta-based rescue group Migrant Offshore Aid Station. THE…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630Andy, 34, is gay. But three months ago he slept with his female best friend. Here they tell their story...ANDY WEST SAYS: I’m a gay man and there’s no doubt in my mind about it. I don’t remember a thing about the women sitting opposite me on my train yesterday. I do, however, recall exactly what the hot guy standing by the carriage door was wearing. But, in February, I did something that has left my gay friends questioning my sexuality. For the first time in my life, I slept with a woman – and I liked it. She’s called Amber and she’s been one of my closest friends for 11 years after we met at a party and clicked instantly. Since then, we’ve supported each other through some of the most difficult times with our respective boyfriends. Most recently, she helped me back on my feet after my…5 min
Grazia|Issue 630‘I’M GLAD ANDY’S SEXUAL EXPERIMENT WAS WITH ME’AMBER SAYS Leading up to the night it happened, I’d been worried about Andy. He hadn’t been himself since splitting from Ed. So when, after a few drinks, he started joking about us sleeping together, I was relieved he’d shaken himself out of his slump. I’d split from my boyfriend a while back and was missing the intimacy of sex. I thought, why not? We’ve been such close friends for years, if this experience was going to happen for him, it should be with me. Back at his, in bed, it was dark but we could just about see each other’s bodies. It felt intimate and familiar, yet quiet and still. He was so scared at first and I had to guide him but, strangely, I found having so much…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630‘WHY I’M SICK OF FLYING SOLO’‘SORRY LOVELY, I’M going to Barcelona with the uni girls, I’m afraid!’ As I read the text, I was overwhelmed with sadness; a ball of totally misplaced anger grew in the pit of my stomach. Of course it wasn’t Claire’s fault she’d already made holiday plans – or that I’d left sorting out mine till late March – but she was my last hope. I couldn’t believe that not one of my friends (and I had asked six of them, yes, SIX) could go on holiday with me this year. How had this happened? If you’re in a relationship, the idea of not having anyone to go on holiday with is probably incomprehensible. But when you’re a 34-year-old singleton, I can tell you it’s an easy situation to find yourself…5 min
Grazia|Issue 630A FLORAL FIESTAJo Malone London’s latest partnership with Poppy Delevingne bottles the model’s favourite colognes in limited-edition miniature flagons designed to be easily slipped into a pocket or pouch. ‘I love sexy, musky scents, which is why I chose Tuberose Angelica, £74 – it makes me feel very grown up,’ laughs Poppy. Orange Blossom, £64, on the other hand, ‘reminds me of being in love. I wore it for my wedding.’ The playful, confetti-splattered bottle is a big step away from the brand’s traditional aesthetic, but that’s exactly the point. ‘I envisioned something celebratory,’ Poppy explains. Get them before they go!Both limited-edition 50ml bottles are available at from June…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630WARDROBE WORK SHOPJOIN THE DOTS Far from twee, this polka-dot maxi screams modern prairie. FULL-THROTTLE FLORALS This ’70s wallpaper-inspired print calls for sculptural gold jewellery and minimal make-up. BIG EARS ! Be playful with accessories – make a statement with these XXL shoulder-dusters. TIE THE KNOT A delicately tied grosgrain shoulder detail adds drama to a simple slip dress. SUPPORTING ROLE A bold floral bralet instantly updates a fluid summer dress. Casting and bookings: Holly Scott Lidgett. Hair: Brady Lea at Stella Creative Artists using ColorProof. Make-up: Nancy Sumner at Eighteen Management using MAC Cosmetics. Fashion assistant: Jessica Skeete-Cross. Model: Kelly Ferr at Models 1 BLUE MOOD Toughen up sumptuous silks and soft ruffles with tan leather clogs.…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630YOUR NE W GO-TODESPERATELY SEEKING fashion-forward, high-quality must-haves that you don’t see on everyone else? Call off the search! New online brand KITRI has nailed fashion’s holy grail – wardrobe classics with a totally now, individual twist. Not only is each distinctive piece limited edition and really well-made, they’re affordable too, with prices starting at just £49. Set up by women like you, for women like you – busy, stylish, on the lookout for something a bit different – KITRI’s mission is to bridge the gap between fast fashion and contemporary designer labels. As well as designing capsule pieces you’ll love – from wear-everywhere separates to beautifully cut dresses and playful jumpsuits, KITRI has created a stress-free online shopping experience, with free next-day delivery and free, easy returns. Sound like the answer to…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630MORE FASH LESS CASHPhot os:, Jason Lloyd-Evans HEATWAVES Summer fashion should bring a smile to your face and these buttercup yellows and blown-up florals do just that. For S/S ’17, it’ s all about head-to-toe colour (see 3.1 Phillip Lim), but if that’ s not for you, then break it up with denim. Heading off on holiday? Accessorise with tassel detailing and botanical-printed swimwear. And bring the sunshine into your workwear wardrobe with this Zara blazer (right), teamed with black kick-flare trousers and chunky loafers.…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630NOW OVER TO YOU...PROPOSING A CHANGEFor the first time in my 10 years of reading Grazia, I’m properly cross. I’d hoped that your cover story Emma plans feminist proposal (29 May) was journalistic hyperbole and that a more balanced article would follow. Proposing isn’t a feminist issue, it’s equality. I proposed to my husband. It wasn’t a mark of feminism, rather that I knew he felt it was stressful trying to find ‘the perfect moment’. Feminism cannot progress until we put ourselves on a level playing field and forget about gender tropes – in the boardroom as well as the marital home.LucyVINYL COUNTDOWNThe saying ‘Ne’er cast a clout till May be out’ seems as true as ever. The weather is nice as I write this, but I’m sure that soon I’ll need a…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630BEAUTY CHARTSPhotos: Marco Vittur 1. CANDY CRUSH Hyper hues are the order of the day, but sporting a technicolour ensemble takes guts. Why not try OPI Nail Lacquer in Two-Timing The Zones, £12.50, instead. An irresistible candy pink, it will boots your tan, too. opiuk .com 2. SQUEAKY CLE AN 99% of women agreed that Estée Lauder’s Nutritious Micro-Algae Pore Cleansing left skin feeling cleaner than ever before. Moreover, this formula is inspired by the Korean beauty industry – leaders of the fresh-faced pack. 5. HEALTHY HAIR Scalp health is synonymous with great hair, so all Aveda appointments now come with a free scalp consultation and treatment. In-between, purge impurities with their Scalp Concentrate, £35. 4. SEXY SPRITZ The campaign for Lancôme La Nuit Trésor, £69, screams sex, and…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630FIT FILESCLEAR BREW Our tiny minds are blown by the world’s first Clear Coffee, £4.99 for two bottles. Made via a secret process with arabica beans and purified H 2 O, it looks like water, tastes like a perfectly brewed, chilled Americano, has no sugar or sweeteners and leaves zero tooth stains. Cheers to that! PURIFY YOUR MIND Picture this: you’re encapsulated in a 99.95% pure air pod, resting on a bed wearing a virtual-reality mask. No, you’re not gaming – this is an eight-minute mindful meditation session, during which a therapist activates your body’s pressure points. Aiming to renew serenity, Natura Bissé’s Mindful Touch Experience, from £100, ends with an indulgent facial. Sure beats a session on the PlayStation... Photos: Plain Picture, Instagram/ bodyglove53. Body Glove: Clear Coffee:…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630DROPPING THIS WEEKBRITISH TRIBES Grayson Perry has become Channel 4’s chronicler of modern manners. The reason he works so gloriously in the role is a complete lack of pretension when it comes to genuine curiosity about the beliefs and priorities of the common man. In Grayson Perry: Divided Britain, his investigations into why Brexit happened turn into a neat precursor to Theresa’s snap election. Tuesday, 9pm, Channel 4 SEEKING ANSWERS The absolute shambles of the leaders of the two biggest parties in the country not being willing to debate with one another like grown adults gets its alternative truth, its own fake news on Thursday’s special Question Time, when Theresa and Jeremy will face the audience, just not each other. Honestly, cowardice much? Someone bang their heads together, as my nana used…1 min
Grazia|Issue 630COME OUT ON TOPWhether you’ve got a garden, a yard, or you’ve staked a claim to a patch of grass in your local park, here are summer’s hottest outdoor accessories… 1 BRIGHT ON ! Garden furniture has gone neon for a garden that zings, whatever the British weather. Salsa range (right), from £79, 2. PLATE PRINTS Forget plain and pared back – this season’s tableware is all about standout prints for a cheerful table. Hinterland outdoor collection (above), from £2.50, sainsbur Photos: Helen Fickling 3 POT SHOTS Planters and pots add greenery to your outdoor space but choose ones with a fab shape or on-trend materials, such as concrete, and you get design impact too. Fibreglass faceted planters (far right), from £75, 4 JUNGLE FEVER Palms are a thing right…2 min
Grazia|Issue 630HOROSCOPESPhoto: Fred Meylan/Mondadori Photo GEMINI 22 May – 21 Jun You sometimes display a generous spirit with people less worldly-wise or less well-off than yourself. And Venus colluding with Uranus and Saturn means you’ll want to be especially indulgent towards those who’ll appreciate it. What a pity the person closest to you is craving your undivided attention and feels entitled to not share you with anyone else. You must swiftly and efficiently establish where your priorities lie. CANCER 22 Jun – 23 Jul Some might be surprised at how forthcoming you can be when questions are raised about your private life. Instead of avoiding the matter, you’ll be very frank with your responses and won’t mind sharing experiences usually regarded as being personal. Why the sudden…3 min
Table of contents for Issue 630 in Grazia (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.